Cathleen said she would try and find Butter. When she called the shelter, she found out that Butter had been adopted. Two years later, Cathleen arranged to meet a man she had gotten to know through a dating app.

Image Credit: Cathleen Cavin / Facebook
The man, Brian Herrera, took Cathleen to his house after the date. Cathleen couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw Butter! Brian couldn’t believe it either.

Image Credit: Cathleen Cavin / Facebook
They checked the adoption papers, and it was true! Ozzy and his brother have now been reunited! Ozzy and Butter were instantly comfortable with each other – they remembered! Brian and Cathleen have been a couple since that first date. They found each other and were able to reunite Ozzy and Butter – seems like fate to me!

Image Credit: Breaking Petaluma News / Facebook
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[h/t LoveMeow]