Although some may argue that the economy has been slowly recovering since the 2008 recession, the fact remains that life is getting harder and harder for many of us who weren’t already born with a silver spoon in our mouths.
A quick Google search will reveal plenty of independent, peer-reviewed studies all coming to the same conclusion – the cost of living has risen, and will continue to rise.
Meanwhile, wages are still struggling to keep pace, with most paychecks stagnating at numbers that stopped being adequate decades ago.
The result? Far too many people are saddled with debts of sorts, and it is a lifetime burden that most will never escape.

For this lucky 22-year-old’s family, however, living debt-free is finally a dream and a luxury they can relish in.
Brady Singer is a right-handed pitcher and fresh-faced prospect for the Kansas City Royals, a Major League Baseball team.
He came out as the team’s top pick for the 2018 draft, and had gotten signed into a rookie contract with the team on the 3rd of July, 2018.
This contract, as is standard, came in with a starting bonus – in Singer’s case, it was about $4.25 million. Not bad for a kid who has barely left his twenties!
So what exactly is a young man like Singer to do with this sudden rainfall?
The answer for Singer, apparently, lies not within purchasing a new car or a house, but by giving his parents the greatest Christmas present he could ever hope to give them.

On the 25th of December, Christmas Day, Singer uploaded an incredibly heartwarming video onto his Instagram account.
In the video, he revealed to his parents that he had used his signing bonus to fully pay off his parent’s bank loan and debt.
As you can imagine, the complete erasure of all the debts that will otherwise haunt you for the next few decades came as a huge relief to Singer’s parents, Brett and Jacquelyn Singer.
And this wasn’t something he simply did out of obligation either.
The message in a card he wrote for them shows how this was certainly something that he had been looking forward to.
In the Instagram video, his mother reads aloud how Singer wanted to thank his parents for the love and support they have given him all these years.

In this way, he wants to return the favor, and to show his thanks and appreciation for all the sacrifices that they have made in order for him to pursue and finally fulfill his dream.
Especially since they have spent years struggling with finances so they can cheer on their son at every single baseball game.
In a display of his gratitude, he has made it so this concern with finances will never be a worry once more.
Understandably, this heartwarming message and act made his parents choke up and cry tears of happiness.
It wouldn’t be a surprise for the viewers of the Instagram video to feel the same way as well!
SEE ALSO: Son Gets First Paycheck And Uses It To Pay Off His Parents’ Entire Mortgage