One of the best things about living in a free country is that we are free to express ourselves as long as we don’t violate another person’s rights. We can wear the clothes we want and style our hair any way we want – right? Well, no, sometimes you can’t. If you are in the military, there are requirements for your hair. Surely kids going to school can have any hair style.
Unless you go to a school with strict dress codes. How about a public school – can your child have any kind of hairstyle? Not at Barbers Hill a school located in Houston, Texas. Four-year-old Jabez Oates was sent home from his first day of kindergarten because his hair was too long!

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Jessica Oates, 25, said her son has never had a haircut and that his hair is part of his identity. I have so many problems with that particular statement but will leave it alone for now. Anyway, Oates did acknowledge that she got the schools policy about long hair and it does state that there needed to be a religious reason for having long hair.

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So, when Jabez showed up with long hair and no religious reason for it – he was sent home. I am going to have to side with the school on this one. I am not sure why Oates feels it is okay to complain – she saw the rule, ignored the rule, and her son wasn’t allowed to attend. End of story.