It is never an easy decision to have your dog put to sleep. You love your dog, however, and know that you don’t want them to suffer. It is bad enough to lose a pet when you are an adult. But how do you explain it to a child? Shane, six-years-old, and his parents have been Belker’s family for a long time. When the vet diagnosed Belker, a 10-year-old Irish Wolfhound with cancer, it was advanced and would be expensive to try and treat.
The family didn’t have the money. To make things less stressful for the dog and more peaceful, the family decided to have Belker put down in their home. You can tell by the look on Shane’s face that he fully understands what is about to happen. What Shane told everyone on that day was surprisingly wise. The veterinarian wrote a post and shared it.
Grab a tissue and read what Shane said on this sorrowful day.

Image Credit: animalrescuehome
I can’t believe how mature this little boy is. It is heartbreaking to put your best friend to sleep, but when you know its the right thing to do, somehow the heart manages to beat again. Share away, people.