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12-Year-Old Boy Re-Enacts A Violent Video Game’s Sex Scene By Raping 6-Year-Old Sister Repeatedly

A 12-year-old boy is said to have raped his 6-year-old sister repeatedly by re-enacting a Grand Theft Auto’s sex scene.

The Daily Mail reports showed that he committed this act at their Wiltshire home a number of times, including Christmas.

He first raped her after watching the video game’s sex scene with her.

It is said that he tried recreating the scene with his younger sister in the presence of another sibling.


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The boy has been charged on 3 counts of rape and another for inciting his younger sister to participate in sexual activity.

This happened at Swindon Youth Court while his emotional mother held his little hand in her own.

The boy plead guilty to all the charges against him and received a one year referral order.

He has to finish the 1 year order against him at the facility and the 4 charges against him will be “spent”.


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The charges will forever remain on record, but he is not under any obligation to let his future insurers or employers know the details.

The boy showed no emotions throughout the hearing. However, he had a smile on his face when the judge talked to him about football.

This is a sport he hopes to play at a professional level one day.

He says that he has learned his behavior was unacceptable and would never do it again even if an opportunity came along.


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The girl is said to have opened up to a friend about her ordeal at the hands of her brother.

Her friend then told her teacher who admitted to noticing that the girl seemed quiet and withdrawn but became happier after sharing her story.

Russell Pyne, the Prosecutor, said that the boy watches a lot of pornographic sex acts. The charges against him have added him to the list of registered sex offenders.

His mother said that all they wanted was to ensure that the children were all safe.

She says that he is doing well at the facility. She looks forward to having her family together again.

Initially, the girl blamed herself for what happened to her brother, but she came to terms with the situation.

Research shows that teenagers who play this game have a high chance of drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco.

Many kids play online video games that are meant for adults over 18 years. Many parents are not aware of the dangers the games expose their kid to.

Parents should be extra careful and pay close attention to what their kids do online.

It may not be easy, but it’s better to ensure their safety now than to be sorry later.