Summer is in the air (or maybe that is just the pollen clouding my senses!). Summer is getting closer though, that is certain. Do you have plans? Big road trip or cruise? How about a nice cookout with friends?
That is a nice summer time activity. But, beware! You need to clean your grill properly to avoid serious problems! The Fiores decided to have a cookout as soon as spring arrived.
They rolled out the barbecue and Nadia, the mom, cleaned the grill with the stainless-steel bristle brush that we all have to clean our grills with. They then cooked up some burgers and sat down to eat. Anthony felt a sharp pain in his throat.
With each passing second, the pain got worse. Nadia rushed him to the emergency room. The x-ray showed that Anthony had a small piece of metal stuck in his throat. The metal had come from the brush Nadia used to clean the grill!