This is the story of an extremely sad blind dog – and her name was Muñeca. The poor the dachshund was kicked out and left on the streets due to her old age – she had no home, no family, no shelter, no food and water – and had very little time left. She was already 18-years-old. Furthermore, she has lost her sense of sight.
But the little dog just wanted to be loved again. She proved this by jumping into the arms of Elaine, a staff working at the shelter who rescued the little dog. She proved to be a very loving canine.

Image Credit: Trop Cute
It turns out that despite the old girl’s lack of sight, she still wanted to feel the love of humans – as much as any other dog would.

Image Credit: Trop Cute
An animal lover and photographer, John Hwang took pictures of Muñeca, and shared them on social media. This caught the attention of the Frosted Faces Foundation, who stepped in to pay for the pooch’s medical bills and assist in re-homing her.

Image Credit: Trop Cute
Thankfully, Muñeca is now on her way to a forever loving home of her very own!

Image Credit: Trop Cute
Please support the Frosted Faces Foundation and their work by visiting their site for information on how you can make a difference, too!
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