Since its debut in 1829, The William Tell Overture originated as part of the William Tell opera. However, little did its creators know that it would continue to have a life outside of that, being used in countless commercials, movies, TV shows, and all varieties of media. It has become almost synonymous with grand, cheerful events.

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With that being said, you might think that a song of this type might not be the best option for those looking to show off vocal talent, mainly because it’s all instrumental. But the Timpanogos High School Show and Chamber Choir saw that idea as a challenge, not a deterrent! The school, which is from Utah, instantly won over the crowd with this risky yet hilarious song choice.

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The choir’s energy is infectious as they begin the song, already earning laughs and giggles from the audience with their facial expressions and gestures. When one of the girls neighs like a horse, the crowd is getting stitches in their sides from laughing! Soon, the whole choir is getting into different formations, from pretending to ride horses, to miming searching the horizons, and even tugging at their lapels like high-society gentlemen. Hilarious!
To top it all off, just when the audience thinks the song is over and is slightly confused by their ending, the choir throws in one last surprise for them. It’s an incredible performance indeed!