The trio depended on each other for moral support and family love; sleeping and playing together all day. They never fought.

Image Credit: Noah’s Ark Sanctuary / Facebook
However as of 2016, “BLT”, the trio are no more – Leo the lion passed away in early August 2016. Leo had been lethargic and had a terrible appetite for months. Leo underwent exploratory abdominal surgery in order to treat it, but the local veterinarians found his liver filled with massive tumors that were inoperable. The sanctuary decided to put Leo of his misery, letting him cross the rainbow bridge that fateful day.
Baloo the bear and Shere Khan the tiger said their goodbyes to their brother when he passed. Prior to his death, they often visited him when he was kept in a nearby enclosure separate from both Baloo’s and Shere Khan’s sleeping quarters.

Image Credit: Noah’s Ark Sanctuary / Facebook
As the trio were so close, it was concluded that it was highly likely that the other two were long aware of Leo’s condition before he begun showing symptoms of it.
Click to view their friendship below!
Rest in peace, Leo.
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