A woman named Keshia Leeann Gardner hailing from Alabama in the United States lit up the internet ever since 2004..because of how she celebrates her children going back to school. Each year, before the school term starts, Keshia would line her kids up and jumps in front comically when the camera shutters come on..and they are absolutely hilarious!

Image Credit: Keshia Leeann Gardner / Facebook
Much to her kids’s embarrassment!

Image Credit: Keshia Leeann Gardner / Facebook
She even went for a meme theme back in 2015!

Image Credit: Keshia Leeann Gardner / Facebook
And this is the first photo that started it all; back in 2014!

Image Credit: Keshia Leeann Gardner / Facebook
Netizens were so amused that they even photoshopped Keshia in the middle of a Sarlacc Pitt seen in the Star Wars: Return of the Jedi movie!

Image Credit: Keshia Leeann Gardner / Facebook
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