When Bence was born at the end of 2015, nothing much was out of the ordinary about him.
The labor went relatively normally, he didn’t take too long to pop out, he was of a normal height, and he weighed in at just slightly above average.
Except there was something very special about him: his hair.

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Bence was born with his head covered in a beautiful mop of icy white hair. This feature has him nicknamed Prince Charming among those in the ward.
Bence’s doctor has checked and found that this is far from a cause of stress or illness.

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He has, however, considered the possibility of albinism, which is a condition where your body produces little to no melanin.
However, it’s just his hair that shows signs of this, and nowhere else on his body.

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The verdict is that it’s likely that Bence’s hair is facing a brief moment of temporary pigment shortage, so it will darken as he grows.
The little boy passed all the health checks, but a blood sample has been brought to a lab for extra tests to be done.

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Aside from his hair, Bence is a normal bouncing boy, and is pretty excited to start out on this adventure we call life.
He’s sure to grow up being someone special – if there’s a clearer sign of that, I don’t know what it is!
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