This poor baby orangutan had to wait for a whole year for help. His name was Mingky and he was held captive in a farm near a forest in Indonesia. As his mother was not present, she was probably killed. The same person who caught him most likely gave Mingky to his friend, who chained Mingky in-between two houses!
Panut Hadisiswoyo, the founder and director of the Orangutan Information Centre (OIC) stated that the culprit only wanted an orangutan for entertainment purposes. Poor Mingky was chained up via a neck chain and had no protection from the elements. He only stood on a unstable concrete ground and had only about 2 feet to move around.

Image Credit: Orangutan Information Centre
Poor Mingky looks miserable!

Image Credit: Orangutan Information Centre
He could only stand or crouch at the same spot due to the chains.

Image Credit: Orangutan Information Centre
I can’t imagine what it’s like for him!

Image Credit: Orangutan Information Centre