In September 2016, Ashley Denise Attson, 23, put her 1.5 year old baby daughter in a stroller, pushed the stroller out into the Navajo Nation desert, and left her to die. U.S. District Judge David Campbell said Attson’s actions were cold-hearted and intentional this week and sentenced her to 20 years in jail.

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The child was alone in the desert for four days and four nights before Attson took the body and buried it in an animal den. Tragically, the infant was born with methamphetamine in her system and had just been returned to Attson two months before her death. Attson’s daughter was in good hands and then was killed after being given back to her birth mother.

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Twenty years does not seem like justice. Attson’s actions (drug addict) before the birth of the baby and the manner in which she killed the baby are beyond words. This woman needs to be in prison for life. Share away, people.