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Lakeisha Ethans

They say life is a roller coaster ride, so I’m here, trying my bit (virtually of course) to make your ride worthwhile. Ups and downs are inevitable, but how you perceive things is what matters. I’m just your next-door neighbor, ripe from experiences of life, here to tell you what it really means to “live”! Take your drink, kick back and relax, we’re just getting started!

Woman Heard Sounds Coming From Sewer So She Climbed Inside To Help (Video)

You never know when you could be called upon to do something unexpected. The question is – are you prepared to do what needs to be done? Two friends were walking down the street when one of them heard a strange noise that seemed to be coming out of a sewer opening along the curbside. …

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Teacher Forces 3-Year-Old To Mop Own Urine At Preschool

The Head Start Program in Prince George’s County, Maryland is facing charges of child abuse. That is all kinds of wrong! A school system should be the last place you would expect child abuse. Here is what happened – a three-year-old student at Winship Wheatley Early Childhood Center had an accident at nap time and …

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3 Thugs Break Into Home And Attempt To Rape Girl, Grandpa Makes Them Suffer

A grandfather saved his granddaughter from some would-be rapists. Kenneth Byrd, 67, was at home with his wife at their Lumberton, North Carolina home. It was about 10 pm when someone knocked on the front door. Byrd opened the door to find a man standing there – who told him that he was having car …

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Police Spot A Small Backpack On Pigeon. Cut It Open To Reveal A Nightmare

Homing pigeons have known for being fast and accurate flyers, they can find their way back to their “home.” Because of this amazing ability pigeons were often used as messenger pigeons. According to Living the Country Life, pigeons were used during World War I and II to carry messages across enemy lines. Recently, Kuwaiti law …

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Woman Goes Outside After Squeezing Limes And Ends Up In Emergency Room (Video)

Many home cooks will tell you that a little lemon or lime juice can really help perk up a meal. But, did you know that lime juice can damage your skin if you aren’t careful? It has to do with the sun, if you don’t rinse off the lime juice carefully, you could get burned! …

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Neighbor Pays The Price After Thinking He Got Away With Evil Act (Video)

Some people are just plain mean. Take the guy in this picture for example. He went next door on a Sunday morning and unplugged a bounce house that had been set up for a child’s birthday party. The party, being held at the Romero house, was ruined because of the deflated house. To make matters …

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People Are Going Crazy – Paying $2,000 A Pair For Chickens That Hatch From These Eggs

How much would you pay for eggs? You can get a dozen eggs for about a dollar at some stores, if you want local, farm raised, cage-free eggs, you may have to shell out up to $4 a dozen. The eggs you find at a local farm may be blue, brown, or even sort of …

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Officials Warn People To Stay Away And Get Help If They Spot This At The Beach This Summer

Planning on going to the beach this summer? Be sure to keep a safe distance from any “purple bubbles” you may see floating on the surface of the water! This amazing creature is a Portuguese Man-of-War, and they will paralyze you if they touch any part of your body! Many beaches will post signs warning visitors …

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Pit Bull Who’d Just Given Birth Was Found In The Rain. Then He Reaches For One Of Her Puppies

A stray pit bull gave birth in California during a major rainstorm. Forty-eight hours later, the rescue organization, Hope for Paws, heard about the dog and drove 3.5 hours to rescue the dog and her puppies. It was pitch black when they arrived and searched in the thick bushes to find the dog. The dog …

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Dog Fetches The Stick For A Treat, But The Clydesdale Is Not To Be Outdone

Every year, many people watch the Super Bowl and root for their favorite team. If you are like me, you may watch the Super Bowl to see the commercials and halftime show! Budweiser has some of the best commercials, and that is mostly because they feature their Clydesdale horses. The clip below is the commercial that …

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