Of all the things that have gone viral on the Internet, this brain-busting is riddle is probably one of the more interesting ones! This clever puzzle is said to stump 97% of those who try to answer it the first time. Ready to hear it? It goes like this – If Teresa’s daughter is my daughter’s mother, what am I to Teresa?

Image Credit: Playbuzz
Sounds pretty straightforward, right? But think about it. Do you know the answer? If you think you do, then you just might be one of the 3% that gets the riddle! So what’s the answer?

Image Credit: Playbuzz
It’s that you are Teresa’s daughter.

Image Credit: Playbuzz
Wait, what?!
Yes, that’s right! It becomes simpler when you break it down into chunks. Let’s start with this: who is your daughter’s mother? The answer would be either you!
Therefore, Teresa’s daughter is you! Pretty clever, right? Did you get this riddle on the first try? Or did you have to really think about it? Share away, people!