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Animal Rescuers Get Called To An Empty Field — And Are Greeted By Sea Of 1,000 Baby Chicks

A disturbing scene of animal cruelty caused by a commercial chick breeder was located by the RSPCA in Crowland, Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom – it made headlines, everywhere. It was a deadly combination of the living, deceased and injured. There were at least a thousand of them.

Unbelievably left out in the unpredictable weather, a couple of chicks had to be humanely put to sleep due to their injuries, while a couple of others have already died due to overcrowding. The surviving chicks were thankfully, found to be in good health.

Inspectors from the RSPCA were left scratching their heads – how did so many baby chicks get abandoned when they were only LESS than a day old?

Image Credit: Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

It was a huge and greatly populated, moving sea of yellow fur and chirping creatures. Promising full cooperation with the RSPCA, the chicks’ breeder arrived and assisted with the safe relocation of these poor animals.

Image Credit: Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Check out the video below!

The poor remaining and surviving chicks are now out of this dangerous predicament, and are properly cared for in new farms.

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