Do you know what to do if you happen upon an alligator? Me either! Besides being freaked out, I wouldn’t know how to handle it. Larry Lynch and David Moynahan actually went out looking for alligators – at night! Why did they do that, you ask? They are photographers, and they wanted to get photos. They pictures they came back with are just awesome!

Image Credit: Larry Lynch
Larry won the Natural History Museum’s Wildlife Photographer of the year for the first one, called “Warning Night Light.” He was able to catch the alligator in the swamps of Myakka River State Park in Florida.

Image Credit: Larry Lynch
All Larry was really thinking when was that he needed the best picture he could get and then get out! He had to deal with the heat, mosquitos, humidity, and a couple inches of black mud – but he did get a great photo!

Image Credit: Larry Lynch