People who abuse innocent children and animals are the lowest form of life on the planet.
Dogs and cats often rely on humans to provide them with food and shelter.
Many countries have a stray pet population, Russia is one of those countries.
A woman named Alina Orlova, 21 seemed to care enough about the stray animals that she adopted some of them and brought them into her home.

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Tragically, she was arrested because of how she treated the animals she took in.
Orlova has a sick mind, she is not loving to animals at all, in fact, she tortured the animals.

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Then, to make matters worse, she posted the graphic photos and videos on social media!
Obviously, posting the videos is what led to her being caught.
Here is probably the only photo of the ones Orlova posted that isn’t too gruesome or graphic to share.
She is threatening this poor kitty with a very sharp knife.

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Orlova had some friends come and help her torture the animals.
They would pose with her in the photos.

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As any psychopath would do – Orlova said all the photos were altered – that someone was framing her!

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More than 30,000 people signed a petition that demanded the authorities do something to stop this crazy, cruel woman.

Image Credit: CEN
The authorities couldn’t ignore that many people and Orlova was arrested.

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Please be the voice of animals and children in need.
If you see something that doesn’t feel right, contact the proper authorities.
We have to help those who can’t speak or stand up for themselves.
Share away, people.