Most people won’t take a bet if the odds are fifty-fifty – it isn’t really a safe bet. Sometimes, you can beat those odds, though. One puppy in Transylvania, Romania did. It was July 2016 when the puppy covered in maggots and with a broken leg was found tied up in a black plastic bag.

Image Credit: Amicii Dog Rescue
By the time she was found she was starving, dehydrated and had a serious head wound. It was estimated that she had been laying in the bag for two days. The people who found her only gave her a fifty-fifty shot at survival.

Image Credit: Amicii Dog Rescue
At the Transylvania Animal Care facility they began to treat her injuries. The first thing they had to deal with was the swelling on her brain. Then there all the maggots that were eating her alive and a variety of other infections.

Image Credit: Amicii Dog Rescue