Now, this is what I call justice! Caitlyn, the Staffordshire bull terrier puppy you see pictured was abused (clearly). Two years ago, in Charleston, South Carolina, e had duct tape wrapped tightly around her muzzle by William Leonard Dodson, 43. Caitlyn couldn’t drink, eat, or bark. Dodson wrapped the duct tape around her mouth nine times.
Because of the tight duct tape, Caitlyn’s tongue was swollen too. Dodson was sentenced on to 15 years in federal prison on an unrelated charge – can you say Karma?! For what he did to Caitlyn, Dodson faces a fine of $5,000 and up to five years in jail. Caitlyn was able to escape from Dodson and was found.
Take a look at this video
Caitlyn has recovered from her ordeal and has a loving family and a canine sibling named Oreo. Share away, people.
[h/t Pet Rescue Report]