If you have a dog from a shelter, have you ever wished you could ask them how they ended up in the shelter? I had a dog I rescued that had a long scar on her leg, I wish I could have known how she got that scar. Some dogs are very outgoing and act as if there is nothing in the world that could ever bother them. Other dogs are more reserved and shy. Niya was one of those types of dogs.

Image Credit: Arrow Dog Rescue
She was a little nervous around people – probably from past abuse or neglect. Sadly dogs that seem fearful or nervous are less likely to get adopted.

Image Credit: Arrow Dog Rescue
Kimberley Slown saw Niya at the Gibson County Animal Shelter in Trenton, Tennessee and figured maybe all Niya needed was some time.

Image Credit: Arrow Dog Rescue
Slown is from the dog rescue called Arrow Dog Rescue, and she has taken in plenty of dogs. Niya had gashes on her face, so it was clear she had been abused.

Image Credit: Arrow Dog Rescue