When dogs go out on adventures to explore on their own, sometimes they come home with something new. But what Pui brought home after his daily independent walk was something his family could have never expected. On his way back from his walk, Pui passed a trash dump and noted an interesting smell in the air. He followed his nose to a white plastic bag.

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Intrigued, the pup picked the back up and decided to carry it all the way back home. For some reason, he felt that this bag should not be left behind. Once Pui got home, he set the bag down and barked as loud as he could, asking his family to come outside.

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It seemed that he knew he’s collected something important! His owner’s niece came out to have a look, and upon opening the bag, received a giant shock. Inside the bag was a young baby girl who had presumably been born prematurely.

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Despite being cruelly abandoned and being in bad shape, she had somehow survived, umbilical cord still attached. What a lucky thing that Pui happened to walk by right when this baby needed her most!
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