Some people always say that planning for the future is wise, this saying could not be more true for a 98 year-old Russ Gremel. He still resides in the Jefferson Park area of Chicago, living a simple life. However, he has a secret of his own and has kept it to himself for 70 years.
What his family did not know what that in actual fact, Russ had became a multi-millionaire! When he was young, his brother had advised him to invest in a pharmacy as people would always need medicine. So he decided to take his brother’s advice. He took $1000 and invested in a local pharmacy in Chicago. Years later, it had grown to a huge chain nationwide and was known as Walgreens.

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His stocks that he had bought was now worth $2 million.

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A few years ago, he decided to donate his money to the Illinois Audubon Society. The society then later purchased a property and opened a 400 acre wildlife refuge, dedicating it to Russ.

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