You go on a diet but start to gain weight.
But you notice your arms and legs are getting thinner – just not your midsection.
You may wonder what is happening.
Certainly, a diet wouldn’t cause this to happen – right? Right.
A young woman in Mexico was experiencing this very thing.
The unnamed twenty-four-year-old woman from Mexico looked pregnant in less than a year – but she wasn’t pregnant.

Image Credit: Erik Hanson Viana / Caters News
She went to the doctor, and the scans showed that she had an ovarian cyst!

Image Credit: Erik Hanson Viana / Caters News
By the time she was seen by her doctors, the cyst was a staggering 70 pounds.

Image Credit: Erik Hanson Viana / Caters News
The size of the cyst was making it hard for her to breathe, walk, and eat.
The cyst was crushing her insides.
Dr. Erik Hanson Viana removed the cyst in one five-hour procedure.

Image Credit: Erik Hanson Viana / Caters News
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Image Credit: Erik Hanson Viana / Caters News
The cyst had grown so large that took up about 95% of her abdomen.

Image Credit: Erik Hanson Viana / Caters News
Why didn’t she go to the doctor sooner?
Two days after her surgery, the woman was able to walk out of the hospital!

Image Credit: Erik Hanson Viana / Caters News
Six months after her surgery, she is completely healed.
WebMD reports that most ovarian cysts are harmless – and many women will have ovarian cysts but may never know.

Image Credit: Erik Hanson Viana / Caters News
Most ovarian cysts will go away without any medical treatment.
If you feel pain during sex, heaviness in your abdomen, pain in your pelvic area during bowel movements, or a dull ache in your pelvic area – be sure to see your doctor.
You don’t need a 70-pound cyst growing inside you!
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