She had either been brought to China as a foreign bride or she had been abducted. Before you go getting all upset about child brides in China – just know that there are child brides all over the world and even in the United States. Religious groups like Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Catholic, and Buddhist, have allowed children to marry.

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In New Jersey, between 1995 and 2012 over 3,330 children got married – and they had parental consent. Most of those children, however, were 16 or 17 years old. Others were just 13 and the judges gave consent for them to be married.
Children should not be allowed to marry.

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Children need to be children first. The founder of Unchained At Last, Fraidy Ress, said that state legislators need to get rid of the exceptions that allow children to marry. That is how we end child marriages in the U.S. Share way, people.