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12-Year-Old Dies After Using Deodorant. Then Mom Finds Out Why And Warns Others

The autopsy revealed that both butane and isobutane were found in her brain cells, which can be toxic.

Both substances are commonly found in spray deodorants.

Paige did not intentionally inhale or huff the fumes, it was an accident.

girl and deodorant

Image Credit: Facebook

Paige’s mother is now warning parents about the harmful effects of spray deodorants. If your child (or you) use a spray deodorant, make sure you are not in a small space.

That will give the fumes a chance to spread out, and you won’t breathe too much in.

girl and deodorant

Image Credit: Facebook

Paige was a student at Royton and Crompton School. She dreamed of having either a music or art career. You will be missed, Paige.

Please share this story with your loved ones.