An orphaned baby eastern quoll is being cared for by foster parents.

Image Credit: boredpanda
A sugarglider, it is so small that it is not any bigger than your palm!

Image Credit: boredpanda
African bat ear fox cubs, their name is derived from the shape of their ears.

Image Credit: boredpanda
A baby dik-dik, a species of deer.

Image Credit: boredpanda
A baby gundi, ever heard of this animal?

Image Credit: boredpanda
A baby tarsier, looks similar to an aye-aye right?

Image Credit: boredpanda
An echidna puggle, smaller and without the spikes like an adult one.

Image Credit: boredpanda
A baby okapi, commonly seen in the south african plains.

Image Credit: boredpanda
Patagonian mara babies, they look so similar to hares!

Image Credit: boredpanda
A baby armadillo, pretty small in size!

Image Credit: boredpanda