Motivational Monday meme – doggy blues.

Image Credit: boredpanda
Taco bell for felines.

Image Credit: boredpanda
When you have lined all of your plants up only to find your dog trotting along with this.

Image Credit: boredpanda
Nope, you don’t need to be Harry Potter to understand him.

Image Credit: boredpanda
I can feel..the wind in my hair..

Image Credit: boredpanda
When all of your Pomeranians chose to come along with you for the ride..

Image Credit: boredpanda
This dog may very well be a great president!

Image Credit: boredpanda
Tummy flab, no problem.

Image Credit: boredpanda
When you practice proposals with your cat..

Image Credit: boredpanda
Momma rabbit needs to feed Peter rabbit somehow – at the grocery store.

Image Credit: boredpanda