Like many students around the world, Zane Omlid has been bullied for a long time. 13-year-old Zane, who goes to middle school in Minnesota, has been pushed down, punched, and even scribbled on with marker pens by cruel bullies. But today, he has a little help from an unlikely group of strangers – a whole gang of bikers.

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Syd’s Angels: Bikers Against Bullies was formed when a group of bikers saw posts on social media of a girl named Sydney, who was lured into the woods by girls she believed were her friends. Sydney was brutally assaulted, and photos and videos were shared of the event by her bullies. Horrified, the bikers banded together and created Syd’s Angels to help support bullied children – and today, they’re paying a visit to Zane.

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Zane’s mother couldn’t help crying in happiness when she was Zane interacting with the huge group of intimidating yet kind-hearted individuals, who were dedicating their day’s ride to Zane and were happy to give him encouragement and gifts. They happily call themselves his friends, and it’s clear that Zane feels overjoyed that he has this huge group of caring people to back him up.
When asked what he would like to say to others who are bullied, Zane says he’d like them to know that they shouldn’t handle it themselves. And he’s right: to know when to ask for help is actually one of the strongest things you can do.