The squeaky wheel gets the grease – an American proverb that means the loudest issues (or people) are the ones that will be addressed faster.
In this story, the loudest ‘wheel’ was an adorable black and white kitten!
When the abandoned kitten (too young to have opened its eyes yet) arrived at the shelter, it wouldn’t stop crying.
The mother cat had left the runt alone and never came back.
A woman, Reddit user bashiboi, just so happened to be at the shelter the day the kitten had come in.
She had gone there to adopt an adult cat, but the three-week-old kitten’s cries were too much for her to ignore.
Once the kitten was fed, he stopped crying and slept (crying non-stop can wear you out!).
The woman was smitten, and she took the kitten home. She named him Bashi.
Bashi always cleaned his plate – he won’t have to worry about food again!
Here we can see that Bashi is a fan of cuddling!
Bashi has thrived under her care and is growing by leaps and bounds!
Bashi is, like all cats, very well read.
Well, I mean, he at least knows how to look at all the pictures and hold the pages and stuff.
At four months of age, Bashi is very affectionate, vocal, and playful – which exactly what all cats should be like at that age.
So, even though Bashi’s cat mom didn’t want him, he found a loving, forever home and won’t ever be alone again!
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