Lucky people have a variety of wild animals that visit their backyards.
Seeing mother nature in action is better than any movie you can buy.
One Reddit user has a lot of bunnies that come to his yard.
Sadly, he found a bunny once with large horn-looking tumors all over its head.

Image Credit: Imgur / sh4ne
The rabbit has what is called cottontail rabbit papillomavirus, or CRPV.
According to petmd, CRPV is a viral disease that results in the malignant tumors.
The disease is spread by biting insects (mosquitoes and ticks) and can infect wild or domestic pet rabbits.

Image Credit: Imgur / sh4ne
The treatment is surgery to remove the growths.
Often times, if the growths are not removed, the animal will have a hard time eating and will starve to death.
The best way to prevent your pet rabbit from getting this disease is to limit exposure to mosquitoes and ticks.

Image Credit: Imgur / sh4ne
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