When Atlanta Deputy Police Chief Jeff Glazier stopped Ebony Rhodes during a routine traffic check, she was horrified. Her license and registration had expired, and she had no insurance or means to pay to have them renewed. Her car had to be impounded and she was arrested.

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This was another horrible event in a series of already exhausting six months. But little did she know that everything was about to take a turn for the better. A police officer was searching through Ebony’s vehicle and noticed something odd in the back seat of the car.
He told Chief Glazier about it, and in that moment, he knew he had to do something about it.

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The back of Ebony’s car was packed with clothes and belongings, and the police had seen this before. It meant that she had been living out of her car. Upon speaking to Ebony about the issue, Chief Glazier discovered more heartbreaking facts about her life.

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Ebony told him that she is a single mother with four children, and for the past six months, they had been living out of the car, a Buick Regal that was 20 years old. She had a job at Walmart and another part-time job, but her chronic blood condition meant she sometimes had no choice but to skip work. With her working so hard to ensure that all her kids had enough to eat, she couldn’t afford for them to rent their own place.

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Chief Glazier knew he had to help this family. He and his wife knew they had to do something; they couldn’t just stand by and let this happen. They set up a GoFundMe page for them, and more importantly, made an act of kindness that changed their lives. Watch the video to see what it was!
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