What would you do if you saw this terrified little Chihuahua as you scrolled down your Facebook page?
If you are Claire Stokoe, you would call the rescue group that posted the picture and ask about the poor creature.

Image Credit: Claire Stokoe
Claire was interested in adopting the little dog.
When she called, she found out that the dog had come from a puppy mill in the United Kingdom.

Image Credit: Claire Stokoe
The dog, who was later named Brie, had scars on her legs and some scabs on her ears.

Image Credit: Claire Stokoe
Brie also had a hard time opening her eyes in the light. She was probably raised in a very dark place.
When she adopted Brie, Brie was malnourished.

Image Credit: Claire Stokoe
To make matters even more distressing, Brie had been a breeder dog.

Image Credit: Claire Stokoe
She had given birth twice via C-section. Those procedures had wreaked havoc on her small body.
Claire wasn’t put off by all the news about Brie.

Image Credit: Claire Stokoe
She traveled 600 miles (round trip) from Durham, England to Wales to bring Brie home.

Image Credit: Claire Stokoe
Brie was shaking terribly and clinging to the woman at the shelter when Claire arrived.
Claire was now nervous about being able to help the tiny creature.

Image Credit: Lost In Revery
All Brie needed was love and comfort – which Claire could definitely provide!

Image Credit: Claire Stokoe
As soon as they two were alone, it didn’t take long for Brie to fall asleep in the back of the car.

Image Credit: Claire Stokoe
Brie has some new siblings that go by Dexter, Vesper, and Bouddica.

Image Credit: Claire Stokoe
Here is Vesper ‘welcoming’ Brie to the family!

Image Credit: Claire Stokoe
Brie’s life has improved! She is loved and freely gives love!

Image Credit: Claire Stokoe
You can follow her on Instagram and Facebook.
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